Friday, December 23, 2011

so long

“Be yourself. I don’t believe in forever, I’m always prepared in ending. I hope before that day, you can help yourself.If we ever break up, then I hope we can still have that lasting memory; if not, then I hope we never change.”

J.Law to Kirio

bcoz tbh, I don't believe in forever either. It sounds so long.
and oh, Jlaw and Kirio are gay couple.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

he is

Gape itu ...

pengganti kakak yang ilang

seorang abang yang ga pernah gw punya

sebagai kembaran yang selalu gw pengin

different kind of lover

forever soulmate

miss you so much, dear c:

Happy Mother's day

exactly one second after I posted my post, I remembered that It has 22nd of December, Mother's Day. So here it is, a post for my mom.

She's 54 y.o this year. old yes but she's still beautiful. she's tall, white, egg-shape-look face, big teeth (dad always make fun of this) and lovely.

mom's the only one say yes to me. she never say no to me. always support me for whatever decision I made. she always there when I made mistake from that decision.

she teached me a lot of things. love, friendship, family, enemy, everything.

/my muse is gone.

anyway, Happy Mother's Day, mom! I reeeeeally love you, trust me. I'll make you proud. Thanks for all of your support for me till now. I'll bring you a handsome son-in-law.

Muaaaach :*

22nd of December

The time I feel like holding a stone is the time that I'm sure I'll get a fever. Exactly like how I feel now. I hope I don't get sick. not now. not when I have a lot of stuff to do.

Didn't got any progress with my skripsi. But I only have a paragraph to change and my first chap will done. yaiy! but still a lng way to finish it. I hope I can catch the deadline.

I can't sleep. or maybe not. My bed got monopolized by chunfin. she's cute when sleeping. curl up in a ball like she feels cold. but when I trow a blanket over her, she'll just hold it like a pillow. somehow, she reminds me of Welly, my roommate. Welly will also curl up in a ball when she's sleeping, but she'll curl up more when I trow a blanket. oh, how I miss to sleep next to Welly. She's warm and has that baby's scent. really love to sleep next to her.

hm, I have to go to Jakarta, my unfavorite city, this evening. have to meet with my family. tbh, it's dad who has some business there, but mom and sisters decided to follow him. and they told me to join them. so yeah. and and and my brother-cousin, Dedi, have this 'masuk rumah baru' party. so I have to come. my family will follow me back to Bandung next Tuesday btw. Idk if I have to happy or smth.

Della and Emir finally dating. yaiy! congratz my sister. Sorry I can't joint you last Sunday night. long last yaaa.

Infinite's Lately is love. Sungjong made the opening, not Myungsoo. and Sunggyu is qt while Sungyeol is dorky, as always. and Hoya, that papi of mine, is cool. and give me a father feeling. Dongwoo, ehm, no ceomment. Idk, he's funny but sometimes I can't figure it. and Woohyun, asdfghjkl, I really have to learn to love this guy. he's sooooo lovely, k. and when he was dancing Before he Dawn to that Japanese kid is quuuuuute.

but in Christmas dinner's scene, wae I have to imagined it's TVXQ's members in that table and eating and chatting and laughing and smiling so happily like this lawsuit never happened? what the hell.

well, happy end year everyone. cheers c:

ps: I wrote the whole post Englishly. point me the grammar error, please?

Friday, December 16, 2011


klo orang sering ga bisa mikir atau badmood atau lemes karena kurang/ga tidur, maka gw adalah kebalikannya. otak gw lancar mamen! pencerahan untuk latar belakang skripsi langsung dateng. mood gw juga bagus, seneng gitu rasanya. trus gw ga lemes, bahkan ga lapar. aneh ya? berarti permasalahan gw selama ini, badmood-lemes-males, mungkin justru karena gw kebanyakan tidur.

besoknya, karena gw ga enak hati ama badan, jadilah gw tidur pas siangnya. dari jam 1 ampe jam 6! pas adzam maghrib. bukan sengaja ninggalin ashar, tapi alarm yang disetel ga kedengeran. dan abis bangun itu, gw demam. elah dasar ni badan, reaksinya lambat =))

and I just realized how unproductive I am this year. 1 post per month. omg /sigh

dulu asa hal-hal simple dan sepele dan ga penting dan kacau juga gw tulis aja. sekarang ga bisaaaa. suka mikir apakah gw pantas menuliskannya dan membiarkan orang-orang untuk membacanya. merelakan orang-orang men-judge berdasarkan tulisan gw. padahal kan ga gitu juga ya?

skripsi gw alhamdulillah uda mulai. masih suka males tapi sehari minimal dipegang. mudah-mudahan mei bisa wisuda. amiiin.

trussss... ah, Julio is back. suddenly he texted me and said something fluff and that whiny-whiny things. aigoo. was he like that before, huh? bcs, idk. i found it's kinda ... annoying? padahal dulu kayaknya biasa-biasa aja gw ngadapin yang begitu. maybe, just maybe, because he has gone too long. he wasn't there when I need him. he ignored my text, my call, and my wall. so, when I changed and learn to live without him, don't blame me if I can't give you the same responses as before. and he is my friend, my opa. not ex or bf.

ciao :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

cuma pengin ngeluh. bosen. capek. males.