Monday, October 9, 2017

oh dear future husband, lama amat nyampenya

oh, wow. it's been 4 years since the last time i wrote here. reading the old post was such an embarrassment. but isn't it one of the point of having a (online) diary? write in passionately now, laugh about it (years) later. but well ...

anyway, i was just suddenly want to write here. like, telling someone, anyone, about my current life. because i think, my friends must be bored and feel like 'lo-cerita-apa-sih-ga-jelas-ga-penting'. padahal ya ga juga, sih. hehe.

i have a job now. wohoo. finally after, three? four? years of struggling. it's good, i can pay my bills and even have a car. hehehehehe. to think agave even had to pay for my vacation before. the people here are also nice. tapi ya kayak kantor pada umumnya, mau nice juga pasti ada yang nyebelin. so far masih bisa ditoleransi dan di 'ya-udahlah-ya'. aaaannnddd my 'bodo-amat' attitude akhirnya berguna juga. bahkan dicontek. mueheheheh.

yang sekarang belum punya adalah pacar. ahahahaha. i fall in love here, but ya maybe he's not the right guy. not the wrong one but just not the right one. if it's make any sense. oh dear future husband, uda nyampe mana lo? lama amat nyampenya. KZL. (wkwkwkwk)

the struggling to use lo-gw is as hard as using aku-kamu pas awal-awal nyampe sini. meskipun kadang masih suka keceplosan dan agak dilirik orang-orang. bo-do a-mat.

idk. i'll go to bandung this weekend, meeting mardiah after 5 years. wohoo.
