Sunday, October 16, 2011


for me, we're soulmate. I'm the mate and your the soul. that's why you can go, but I can't. because I can't live without my soul.

you can leave me Agave Trifosa Situmorang, but I will stay. forever.

I'm sorry if I'm not fulfill what you want, I'm that selfish bitch.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Talking to The @mjjeje

I tell him almost everything that happened in my daily life.
From something important to unimportant.
From something plotly to randomly.

I know he didn't understand what I said.
He didn't know what it means.
He wouldn't reply me.

But I know he reads it, every single I tweets that I sent.
I know he 'hears' me.

And he wouldn't judge me.
The fact he would never reply me is something that I love.

p.s : judulnya terinspirasi dari FF berjudul 'Talking to The Moon'

Saturday, October 8, 2011

we had it

“There’s no such thing as forever. Everything has its time… And when it ends, I think we just have to be glad that there was at least a time we had it. “
- taking chances-

kata-kata yang di atas bikin gw (makin) sadar kalo gw harus menghargai semua yang gw miliki sekarang. karena hal yang gw miliki sekarang ga akan selamanya, jadi selagi gw memilikinya, ya harus dihargai. keluarga, sahabat, teman, idola, fandom, bahkan musuh. klo memang semuanya pasti berakhir, biarlah itu berakhir sesuai waktunya.

ah, jadi keingetan satu kalimat yang pernah di baca waktu SMA, "... aku benci waktu yang membuatku bertemu dengan kalian dan kemudian memisahkah kita. tapi aku juga harus berterima kasih pada waktu, karena di antara pertemuan dan perpisahan itu dia menciptakan sesuatu yang indah"

cheers :)